Kevin Carter
All of a sudden, you know the way to go
It’s because you have confidence. It’s because you know that with the right plans, your dreams could come true. How can you reach that confident state? You can work with Kevin Carter.
A direction for the future
When he was 19, Kevin Carter was in a serious accident. It could have set him back; instead it sent him forward. The details are simple: as he tried to assist a stranded motorist, his leg was pinned between two parked cars by a drunk driver. But the details of the accident aren’t as important as the details of Kevin’s life, and the path he’s taken to help people.
A career for life
With Physical therapy, Kevin walked again. With a sizable settlement, he began to think about his future. And as he entered college, he realized that having real money meant caring for that money, and putting those assets in the right direction. Kevin started investing his own money. He had success in the industry, and was fascinated by it – so fascinated, in fact, that he made it his career. When he graduated from Illinois State University, he became a financial advisor.
A way to help people
The title is apt, for that’s what Kevin offers: advice. He helps people and small businesses determine a financial direction – with insurance, investment strategies and benefit plans. Embarking on long-term relationships, he shows individuals and companies how to prepare for growth and change. You never know what your life will hold. It’s how you look at that life that counts. Unexpected events may actually lead to unexpected opportunities. You can’t always predict the course of your life, but you can determine a course for your money. You can plan with Kevin. He’ll help put you in a positive direction.